TinyTap Insights

Save the trees! Create paperless fun interactive lessons,
get instant data on who played and how they performed

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  • Engage your Students
  • Improve Grades
  • Save Time

      Create interactive lessons fast!

    • Turn static images and photos into personalized interactive lessons
    • Build the lessons your class needs

     Assign lessons, quizzes, & homework

    • Send your lessons directly to your students
    • Draw upon thousands of other free lessons created daily by educators worldwide

     Track students'
    score & progress

    • See how students perform and identify where they need help
    • Update students’ families with the click of a button

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  • Formative Assessments

    Tests, quizzes, lesson reviews
  • Digital Homework

    Assign a lesson, track who played, see how they did
  • Project-Based Learning

    Let students build their own portfolios of interactive presentations

Features Basic Account Premium Account
Access to TinyTap Market: thousands of educational games
Create interactive, cross-platform lessons and quizzes
Create Learning Groups
Track which games were played and when
Invite guardians
View players’ scores
View players’ percentiles (both within group and world-wide)
View player’s progress over time
Unlimited access to creation tools
Private storage
PriceFreeSee Plans *
* Special launch prices & 30-day free trial

Get free Insights Accounts by referring
friends and colleagues to TinyTap

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Getting Started: Guide to TinyTap Insights

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